Where Nature Nurtures you to Heal...Naturally!
Common Myths about Homoeopathy
Homoeopathy cannot be combined with contemporary medicine and other alternative therapies...
Homoeopathy can aggravate
symptoms and thus the disease...
I have never taken Homoeopathic treatment or medicines in my life...I may never benefit from it if I start now...
Homoeopathy may not work well or provide quick relief in acute illnesses...
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History Mrs ABC had eczema patches on her elbows behind ears, hairline, corner of her eyes and her mouth. On taking her detail history the following data was revealed. She was born and brought up as the elder daughter of a business family residing in a small town. She was very attached to her parents and siblings and did not want to go anywhere away from them. But as luck would have it, she was married in a business family overseas . She did try to protest but when her mother explained, being a dutiful daughter she agreed. With a heavy heart she left her small town for the hustle and bustle of a first world country. The exteriors of the joint family in which she was married were absolutely modern but their hearts were in the middle ages. Hence she had to fit into the role of a proverbial daughter in law. The mother in law was a control-freak and she was completely terrorized by her. Her husband being the eldest son wouldn't say much. The father in law was too busy with his business and didn't have much time to bother. Years passed and the other brother in laws got married. Their wives refused to meekly tolerate and hence had their way. Mrs ABC felt that this was not fair. Especially since she had done all her duties without uttering a word but whom could she protest to? She couldn't even tell her parents since she didn't want to hurt them with her plight. So days passed in suffering and separation. In the meantime she had lovely kids. But things didn't change much, until her mother in law passed away... and suddenly she found herself at the helm. She was relieved to be free of oppression but had no clue how to go about handling the demands of this meticulous and demanding household. She learnt fast and slowly things changed. They moved out of the joint family set up. The father in law and sister in law moved in with her but that was still manageable. The years of suppression had clamped her shut. The physical data showed that she was obese, had a craving for salty and an aversion to milk. She also had chronic constipation, her perspiration was on face, back and palms and it was an acrid sweat. Her periods of late had become irregular and she is usually depressed before her periods. She also has severe breast, back and leg pains before and during periods. She suffered from regular vaginal thrush. Her thermal preference was for heat as against cold. Her sleep was light and often had dreams of her mother in law. Her past history showed UTI and malaria. Her general examination was normal excepting for pedal oedema (Swelling of legs). Her BP was 100 / 60. Pathological Tests I advised her to do her thyroid tests T3, T4 and TSH alongwith antibody titres. As expected she turned out to be having hypo-thyroid – the auto immune variety (Hashimoto's). Treatment She was given SIL 200 two pills three nights in a week. This schedule was continued for fifteen days after which her eczema patches started to reduce in size. The itching and flaking also went down. The same schedule was continued for a week and then Thuja 200 was introduced once a week in fifteen days. The first doze of Thuja alongwith SIL200 three nights showed marked result in the eczema on the eight day. Also her PMS (Pre-Menstrual syndrome) was much better. Along with the medication she was also put on a detox diet and was regular counseling sessions. Within the next few months, her constipation also started clearing and her depression before menses also reduced considerably. Follow ups After two months we repeated her T3, T4 and TSH and they also showed considerable improvement. We continued with her medication of Thuja 200 once in 15 days and SIL 200 three nights per week. In between she needed Hepar Sulph 30, or Phos 30 to tide over her pharyngitis or Puls 30 for the acute aggravation of her skin. She also needed Nux Vomica for her gastric upsets. After 8 months of continuous medication, diets and counseling, her T3, T4 and TSH were normal. Her PMS had completely disappeared. Excepting the eczema patch behind her ear and a tiny one at her elbow her skin was smooth. She also was passing regular motions. I then
decreased the SIL 200 to once a week and then once in fifteen
days. I completely stopped Thuja and after one year of
treatment I stopped the chronic medication. She does come to me
now and then for her acute consultation as and when required. by Dr Priyadarshani
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